1. Any cascade or sequential routing must be disabled prior to initiating portability. If not, please provide us with exact instructions for each phone number that is a member of this feature (carry or disconnect the number(s) in question).
2. If your telephone service is coupled to an Internet service ADSL, a dry line has to be ready before beginning a portability.
3. If your current supplier is a VoIP provider or a telephone provider, you will have to supply us with the LEC (Premise Exchanges Quarryman) associated with the telephone number(s). Contact your current provider so that they may confirm this information.
4. If the phone number is associated with a cellular telephone service, please provide us with your account number, including your current provider information.
5. Any attempt of portability with a "failed" portability is subject to a rejection charge for each of the numbers in question.
6. Numbers must be active during the process. If not, the porting request will be rejected.
7. For a local number, you must provide the service address, if the service address is different from the billing address on your invoice.